Media coverage of South Asian famine history and related current health risks is critical to help spread the word. Here are traditional media stories that I have been featured in, consulted on, or written. --Dr Mubin Syed

The Guardian UK: How British Colonialism Increased Diabetes in South Asians/It's Complicated (video story)

October 12, 2023: I was a consultant for The Guardian UK news video on how colonial-era famines affect high diabetes and disease risk for South Asians. The video was also shared on CNN News International TV. My and my colleagues' journal research paper is also featured in the video.--Dr Mubin Syed

HuffPost UK: How History Still Weighs Heavy on South Asian Bodies Today (article)

March 14, 2022: I was interviewed for and my research was featured in this HuffPost UK article on how famine may dramatically increase South Asians' risk of diabetes and may lead to metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease. We also discuss how South Asians have a unique physiology and how we can take better care of ourselves. 

--Dr Mubin Syed

AJ+: Why South Asians Are More Likely to Get Diabetes Than Europeans (video story)

March 30, 2022: My work is featured in this Al Jazeera+ news video story on the connection between colonial-era famines and the high risk for diabetes in South Asians. --Dr Mubin Syed

TRT World: Did Colonialism Exacerbate the Diabetes Epidemic? (video story)

April 29, 2022: My research on South Asians' genetic starvation adaptation due to colonial-era famines leading to high diabetes and heart disease risk is featured in this TRT World broadcast news video story. --Dr Mubin Syed

Brown History: The Health Disparities of South Asians

November 15, 2022: I published this article in Brown History, alerting South Asians to the growing health crisis--the high risk for diabetes, heart disease, and early death--and importantly how we can be proactive and live healthier, longer lives. 

--Dr Mubin Syed